Remember Jane, the woman I met over scones? Well, as promised, I gave her a call last week and she invited me over. She set me up to go with her daughter and friends to the Sydney Easter Show on Saturday and then come back for dinner and stay the night. I took her up on the offer, especially since my house of 30 people dwindled to a quiet 10 during this week off school.

Anyway, Kirstie took me along to the Easter Show, which is like a big county fair with animals, games, rides and fried food. The show was at Olympic Park, the site of the Summer Olympics in 2000. As I was photographing the ducklings, this curious little guy came right up and poked his beak through the wire. I was able to refocus and get a shot in before he scuttled away.

Not far from the baby chickens was the egg competition, begging the obvious question, which came first?

I imagined the guys setting up the tables of eggs arguing with the guys setting up the cages of chickens over who arrived before whom.

The scene would make a good one-panel comic if I could draw.

...The award-winning rooster is not amused.
There was also pigeon judging and other bird competitions. This one was one of my favorites because it reminded me of someone in a frilly Victorian dress with an exaggerated backside and perhaps carrying a fancy umbrella. I can't find an exact image like I'm picturing in my head, but it's something like this or this.

After seeing all the animals, we enjoyed many, many free samples on the Food Lovers’ Walk. Kirstie and I were great at making small talk with the purveyors who offered us juices, teas, wines, salsas, spreads, oils, jerkies, nuts, chocolates and other goods. Naturally, I was busy talking and tasting, so I don’t have any photos.
Then it was time for rides, show bags and fireworks before a long bus ride back for a late-night dinner Jane saved for us.
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